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Gantrisch Nature Park

Whether it's challenging yourself on the via ferrata, a bike tour on the winding roads, relaxed hiking with a fantastic view, or enjoying regional delicacies - the Gantrisch Nature Park leaves nothing to be desired.

The picture shows a family on a hike over the Gäggersteg in the Gantrisch Nature Park. The warm sun, the blossoming vegetation and the mighty mountains in the background lend the moment a sense of connection with nature.

Right on Bern’s doorstep, there’s a beautiful hilly area that stretches all the way from Belp to Schwarzsee. The region is 400 square kilometres in size and comprises 19 municipalities. Characterized by large forests and idyllic villages and protected by the impressive Gantrisch range, the area was certified as a Regional Nature Park by the Swiss Confederation in 2012. Be it rare animals or plants: protecting biodiversity is a top priority. This is achieved, for example, by preserving the natural night landscape (i.e. darkness), which is extremely important for the animals that live here so their day-night rhythm is not disturbed.

In addition to the beautiful landscapes, it is the countless hiking and biking routes and running trails that bring hikers and sports enthusiasts to the Nature Park in the warmer months. From flat to steep and from asphalt to gravel – the many roads and paths through the gentle hills or along the Gürbe river are diverse. How about a bike tour around the “Guggershörnli” (Guggershorn hill) or a hike along the Gantrisch Panorama Trail? Both options will reward you with a breathtaking view of the Bernese and Fribourg Alps. In the spring, gorgeous "Buntbrachene" (meadows covered in flowers) give the landscape of the Nature Park a burst of colour, and in autumn, all eyes are on the treetops in red, orange, and gold.

Cycling tour “Tales of the Gantrisch”

Discover the wealth of legends in the Gantrisch Nature Park on two wheels and get to know the unique character of this region: the Gantrisch Legends Route impresses with legendary country inns, fairytale forests, mystical gorges and scenic adventure locations where cycling fans and story lovers can hear or read the region's legends where they originated.

Time travel at the Sensegraben

Whether as imaginary knights or princesses - at the Grasburg ruins on the imposing Sensegraben, children's hearts beat faster (and those of many adults too). There is no need for an entertainment programme here, but plenty of time to explore the surroundings: The Grasburg nature discovery trail, for example, which provides almost three kilometres of well-prepared information on the local flora. Firewood is available for barbecuing fun at the "Brätlistelle" directly on the trail (which can be booked in advance). And if you still have enough energy left, you can try your hand at slate cutting on the Sense - who will make it across the cantonal border to Fribourg with their stone?


If you're on the wooden path in the Gantrisch Nature Park, you'll still make it to your destination! The Gäggersteg, newly opened in 2020, leads through the forest reserve on the Pfyffe with the best views and between the trees. These scenic impressions give you just the right energy boost to explore the full length of the themed and family trail. Built from wood from the surrounding area, the footbridge leads up to eight metres above the ground through the forest, which was almost completely destroyed by storm Lothar in 1999. On the approximately two-hour circular walk, young and old learn how nature has recovered since then at eight adventure stations on the themes of forest, wind and roots - there is even a reward waiting at the end.


There’s a lot to do in the winter months, too: Cross-country skiing fans can enjoy the 45 kilometres of excellent trails on 1,450 to 1,650 meters above sea level, where snow is guaranteed and you have the best view of the snow-capped mountain peaks and winter wonderland below. The soft powder snow is also popular with snowshoe enthusiasts and there are many tours to choose from. Our tip: the beautiful Obergurnigel Trail.

Culinary delights

Resting and restoring your strength is vital when out and about. A hearty dinner in the Alphütte Obernünenen hut (1,689 m.a.s.l.) after a long hike, a glass of white wine from the hotel's vineyard in the Schloss Gerzensee Hotel after a bike tour, or a pizza straight out of the pizza oven at the Hotel am Schwarzsee after a relaxed walk – the Gantrisch Nature Park offers plenty of options when it comes to food and drink.

Regio Garantie – Naturpark Gantrisch

If it promises Gantrisch, it delivers Gantrisch. Be it flour from the renowned Dittligmühle mill in Längenbühl, creamy cheese from the Aeby family’s cheese dairy in Plaffeien, or sweet honey from the Höhener honey farm in Mühleturnen: at least 80 percent of the ingredients used for the products must come from the park.

Not enough yet?


Would you like to celebrate a traditional Alpabzug or visit a music festival with a colourful mix of musical styles? Then off you go to the Gantrisch!



In the spring, you’ll hear more than just the cowbells in Riggisberg, when a music festival featuring all kinds of musical styles takes place in the middle of Gantrisch Nature Park.

Let the music play

Alpabzug Plaffeien

A Swiss tradition straight out of a fairytale: when the farmers return to the valley with their cattle after spending the summer months in the alps, the town of Plaffeien is in the mood for a celebration, which is exactly what the Alpabzug is.

Chiming bells


Swinging from tree to tree like Tarzan, gazing up into the starry night sky – there’s a lot to discover at Gantrisch Nature Park.